=== FreeWheelinEasy mapping === /* Freewheeling Easy Mapping Application [\r\n]{2,} * * A collection of routines for display of trail maps and amenities * * copyright Roy R Weil 2019 - https://royweil.com * */ Contributors: Roy Weil Donate URI: https://plugins.royweil.com/donate Tags: Requires at least: 3.4 Tested up to: 5.1.1 License: GPLv2 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Range("s1").Select provides a mappng funchion for various trail websites: Freewheelingeasy.com steelvalleytrail.org eriepittsburgh.org Requires page: google-map iwth short code Requires page: google-map, Shortcodes: freewheeling-easy-map - displays an interactive map freewheeling-easy-map-trailhead group= - displays a list of trail heads for the specified group freewheeling-easy-map-write-up displays a preformated web page or section of web page ?amenity= ?amenity= ?amenity= ?file=DraftTrail.html list of the draft trail witeups ?file=mles_by_type/ ?file=mileage_chart/ ?file=status-html/ ==Change Log == Changes in the fourth number (NN) in 2.22.50.NN are updates to the data, with no change to the code == == 2024-01-05 fix display of map from home page. == == 2023-12-31 refactor remove dires trail-pdf, trail-php fix fix fetchparameterboolean to default to freewheelingeasy_iconDire feature added a save estimated milages to distance calculator routine refactor remove unclassed backtrace routine refactor remove milage, amenities, google icons from development site. refacror clean up the amenties creation page. enhace reowrk amenities enhancement to take start and end milages Fix the bookdates time data now months fix correct the error/missing count field fix make what for the not allowed to edit a required parameter == == feature added pegman to the dinosaurs mapping refactor added translate routines for bizuse <-> webstatus Feature added webStatus to display of amenity search feature added function bizUsed2webstatus and webstatus2bizId feature added webstatus display to armenity search fix is_what_task to handle "icon" Fix Isonedit link in the distance caluculate display= == feature modifed file-write-up to work as home page if no bookname fixed removed duplicate penicon routine fixed fixed writup link on the draft trail page. ==,233,234 fix handling of web-resouse in writeup ??? ==, 3,4 fix add the linup web ti getapi == == fix remove dubugging output in wrtieup == == feature writeup.php/file$ now accepts a fill filename ==,7,8,9 == clean up hide the google api codes from git searches == == == == Fix milepost xxx.png refactor update to new marker cluster Feature Added debug switch of icon mile testing == == Feature added "direction to" to the dinosaurer info box == == == 2022-07-08 Fix changed script file names Fix dino move options clean up line spacing == 3.5.180 2022-06-17 == updoad ti github == 3.5.3 2020-02-07 == Billing chenge to redbank billing project for edit.shaw-weil == 3.5.2 2020-01-28 == Feature Start adding code fo update of databae on drag == 3.5.1 2020-01-27 == Feature adde check for parameter "dino" - set files to display to dinomites|dino Feature in points handle the project type "dino" Refactor onClick to handle dino and amen diffently Feature parameter "allowmove" save loacation of dinosaurs drag Feature Set display bounds an "latitude,longitude" paramenters Feature For Dinos increase size of Cluster display Feature use different legend for dino map == 3.4.13 2021-07-20 == Fix changed formatDataTxtFileName to work with html files == 3.4.12 2021-06-21 == fix remove zoom level message on production feature move map iamge to 0,0 feature add display class of boat feature make launch/flags a cluster class document add docuentation about the google API code == 3.4.11 2021-05-29 == tweak changed dev hostname Tweak reversed sense of the county lies display Tweak changed display type from "point" to "amen" Feature added milepost display based on zoom scale Fix display of instursions switch Feature adjust zoom level display of various types Feature added trailId parameter to get to writeup == 3.4.10 2021-03-06 == refactore changed console.log() to logline() feature reworked each coordinate file into separate maker list refactor Changed script load to only ocurr on map page feature Added point.js file/routine feature Added search box routine feature Changed wedsite from edit.pgherie to edit.shaw-weil refactore added common routine to reformat file names for access consistancy refactore Added global $freewheelingeasy_latRoundTo to get consistancy in coors fix Added case ignore on trail name search == 3.4.9 2020-12-17 == refactor moved load of freewheel mapping javacript from header to file refactor improved consistancyofusingdanitize_file_name == 3.4.8 2020-11-18 = refactor moved freewheelingeasy-wpdpExtra.php, displayStuff to includes_path ww-inclde == 3.4.7 2020-11-17 = feature Added parameter last to the segemnt report options Refactor DB moved traillunch from business to access to allow mulitple access points Refactor business route caculation for DB change tweak fixed backgroud color f none specified tweak Added debug option to the option list tweak fixed some spelling erros, inproved handling of $msg fix handled a blank trailif in find trail info tweak moved lugincheck to ww-includes == 3.3.6 = tweak changed some http: to https: = 3.3.5 = fix In segmrnts Reports look for end as well as last = 3.3.4 = Fix translate move indd filenames to trail info array Feature Added apikey for artincc == 3.4.3 == 2020 07-11 Fix Space in the trailname.html files Feature incresaed display size for mileposts display Feature Added file parkmilecalced.txt and associaed checkbox, switch feature Added shortcode and function CMU_Bike_Brochure () Feature Added Instructions for non-login editing Fix More sanitize cleanup Tweak Better error messge on missing file refactor Removes cleanFilename == 3.4.2 == 2020 06-30 Refactor added routine to sanitize filename Feature Expanded display of the ggogle map region - $latIncrumrnt feature changed default for display of miles posts on map refactor changed display switches for milepost on map to MilepostSource refactor changed line switches for lines on map to LinesSource refactor changed line/milepost display calculations to squentail from parrell Feature Added shortcode for the CMU Bike Prochure page Feature Added buy button on the book display page. == 3.3.19.nnn 2020-06-10 Feature Added code to work with upload of CMU Brochure Feature Added bizId option to the mapping display Refactore Reworked icon plotting commands to single variable Feature Added display of CMU Bole Brosure PDF Feature Added conts for what was displayed or skipped Feature Turned on drag state for milepost display to see overlaps Refactor Fought with zoom and marker display Refactor Created remove tags routine to clean html tags from buffer Feature Added why not allowed to common checking allowed routine Documentation Moved channge log for readme to changelog.txt Documentation Moved documentation from readme.txt to instuction page == == Fix The plugin generated 1 character of unexpected output during activation. Refactor changed table name from rrw_biz_history to rrw_ history Refactor how the google map API keys are handled Tweak moved check for missing lat,lng higher up in code Fix when displaying one business, display only that icon Refactor Chenged variable name from bizName to BiaNamerequest Featue added option for plotting based on iconName Fix detect and handle missing business lat, lng Tweak adjusted size of initial map canvas Tweak Added and removed handling of the CMU bike loop pdf in map.php Fix Plotting of all trail lines when requesting one business Tweak Added debugging informatin to line processing Fix Processing of specail route Fix Processing of multiple line files == 3.3.17.xx 2020-05-16 == refactor Changed icon types tp .png Tweak Added range check when removing html tags from source freewheeling_removeTagItem () Featue Added global freewheel_degrees2Meters = 140025 Featue Added Global freewheelingeasy_latLngTolerance = .00002 for when checking diff in llat,long Treak spelled pencil correctly Feature Added global/table rrw_exceptions Featue Added global/table rrw_mileposts Feature Added view rrw_trailiconsall Feature Modified trailInfoEmpty to accept no parameters Refactor Moved creation of trail heads to Calculate a file rather than interavtive Feature Added editlinks to trail hed list Refactor Split point/icon display in two - points, locations Refactor the selection process for which points to display (separate files) Feature Added some checks for dulicate point placment Refactor the handling of quotes in place/business names. Refactor changed spelling of lodgeing to lodging Refactor handling of markers on zoom == 3.3.16.xx 2020-03-17 == Feature Added he route fix table to enable fixing of routes biz ro trail Fix Deal with some special characters in the write-up file names Fix Cleans up some in the routes field and give error Refactor On push to server, verify that file size is within 10% fix handle blank milepost data in the display of mileposts feature link the business or icon to the milepost display update detect inconsistant date in the paking.txt file and error to console log == == refactor renameed page freewheelingeasy-google-amenity to freewheeling-amenity Fix the register_activation_hook by moving it to main routine == == Feature added 'map' click to the aminity display Fix Build pages now works as a shortcode. later will make as activaion hock update Added donate link to the wordpress parameters fix Duplicate display of google map Fiz removed script error message on masthead photos not there fix removed heade line on the amenity page == == Feature added rotuine to build the required pages Updated Google API table which sets key bassed on site name Feature created mapping samples radio buttons for verificaton of line work Feature added parameter to highliht the unknown gaps rather that hide them Refactor changed amenity page slug to freewheelingeasy-aminity == 2019-06-13 == refactor replaced the global googleMapsAPIkey with freewheelAPI::GetMapApiKey() Fix set to site name to lower case wjen looking up the api list Fix White screen of death, when url name not in the api list == 2019-06-13 == Feature added 'bizmilepost' option to the google map display refactor chenged page name from editicon to edit_icon Feature Added a route_fixes table to handle special cases in routing Feature choose the google api key on the website url Feature display kmown milepost on a google map Refactor rename page editicon to esit_icon Fix error during delete of table data Feature added table route_fixes to handle special case for "routes" Feature added the buildpages on activation routine == == Rename Changed masthead id - mastheadPhotos to rre_header_mastheadPhotos featue Added 'target' to may of the https:// Feature Gathered the gogle keys == == feature Added selection of which icons to display Feature Added style .external for the advertisements Refactor reworked access to the google api keys Refactor Split segment reporting and and editing Fix Added sqlClean to the insert routiene Refactor Split writeup into parameters reading and processing - allow internal calls == 3.3.4.x == Feature added copywrite notice to map and amenity pages. Feature Added the freewheeling-eas-external class to the map and amenity pages. refactor Removed openlocation code from mapping code feature segment report - Added route parameter to enable section reportd Fix wpdbextra - Added sqlClean call to the insert routine Refactor in writeup - split main routine to enable an internal call Refactor in writeup - remove directory search for the file fix removed multiple assignment of value to meters2Mile by fixing spelling error refactor renamed linelist table to line list Refactor changed sql views into a table, updated by check amenities Feature Add routine "isallowedToEditAny" to check for administrators == 3.3.3.X == Refactor segment report to separat parameters from display Fix segment report to handle mile posts correctly Fix segment report - removed the force of title to top of page Feature added short code for the trail status E2P with parrelel sections for freeport to 366 == 3.3.2.X == Fix check siteurl to allow looking for max segemnt id in trail status Refactor Split seticons between contants and database access stuff Fix Removed some debugging messages reverted Removed the GPS download of trail coordinates Feature Implemented "last" on the trail status display == 3.2.1.X == Feature added a brought to you by notice Refactor Revised handling of TrailInfo request Refactor creatin and display of the segment reports Freatue Added test for "potentail" to make milage red Refactor turned editviesStart/End into global variables Refactor write-up parameters Moveed pushtoServer, GetTrailInfo to write-up routine == 3.1.56-66 == Featurw Added 5 second timeout of the line info block Refactor Chaned how segemtments are displayed Refactor Changed how trailheads are displayed Feature added isTraailhead, useOnMap to icn table Cleanup some debuging in wpdbExtra Feature Addee rrw_kml_directory varible Refactor moved edtviewStart, editViewEnd to rrwUtil == 3.1.54-56 == Refactor Move creation of toc table from to edit.pgh Refactor Changed toc table from a .txt feil to a j.json file format Feature Added $rrw_data_directory to the setGlobals Fix fixed spelling of regions in setGlobals Fix changed who can edit fron editors to contributors Refactor changed how the segments report routine Moved Moved wpdpExtra from edit to map Moved Moved setGloblas from edit to map == 3.1.50-53 == Refactor deleted segemnts from the map plugin, replaced with write-up Fix removed extra > that dispayed top of page. Refactor changed "start wipe" to function/varible editviewStart == 3.1.45-49 == Refactor Moved the penicon.gif to the directory $freewheelingeasy_iconDire Refactor Chaned the way the title is updated from id=entryTitleDisplay to class=entry-title Debug Added some debug printout map.js Refactor Moved the sidebar copyright noice from theme to write-up Feature create a routine freewheel_encapsulateWithCopyright to add sidebar copyright Refactor moved penicon from linking up to pages-prebult Refactor move class freeWheeling_edit_setGlobals from edit to map == 3.1.44 == Fix: cChanged copyight sidebar notice from background image to real image so it prints Tweak: added "sql" parameter to cause debug output to appear Fix: now handles html file names that contain a blank == 3.1.37-43 == Fix: write-up extract file to work with web-resource files Cleanup: Added trailing slash to the /google-map/ and /write-up/ url featue: Added radio buttons to display table. mode 7,27 Feature: Added urlOrId fo hadling either a url or an ID entry facebook, etc mode 8 Feature: Added drop down display of some other table. mode 26 Tweak: converted wpdb to wpdbExtra Fix: cleaned data values for sql injection Revised: Re did hoe the trail status/segment report is created and editted == 3.1.36 == Fixed: write-up search from Table of Contents Debug: added debug listing of files that were tried == 3.1.35 == Featue: Update for "biz svc" only show of user can edit_oteher_post Fix: Handling of new tril segements Feature: added green to milage f off road segements Refactor: removed "extract(globals)". replae with just the neccesary globals" Debuging: Added html comment Fixed: when reading a indesgn file, added http to the web-resouces directory access Cleanup: removed redundant // in file name, verofied the was / on input refactor: chaned table access to a variable name for easier table rename Fixed: milage comment being null in a missong start/end icon Fixed: milage distance being null in a missong start/end icon Refactor: revised how message being built, to faciltate lofin required for convidential Feature: Added a field for source of information Removed: some dead reportong code Removed: removed "MP" rom the mileage displays Replaced: freewheelingTOC with freewheeling_easy_show_list Fixed: Updating of the check box items == 3.1.23 == changed: location of the parking map icons from link-up to freewheelnig easy Fixed: updated all the icons so now have complete set Feature: added a bicycle icon Feature: remove the cliablilty from "park" icons with no services Refactor: moved amenitiy, write-up, and mailges files to freewheelingeast/prebuuilt-pages Clean-up: removed some obsolete entries from the TOC Feature: rewrote file display to search prebuilt-page, and multiple directories Feature: clean up error messages and added a number to many of them == 3.1.22 == Feature: Added seletion parameter on the status print routine Feature: created the icon milage table Refactor: print routine to use milage table for distances, etc Feature: rutes now based on icon list Feature alsway list the unlocated segments Feature: added skicky query parameter to the display list routine == 3.1.20 == Refactor: Updated display ables to use $wpdbExtra Feature: Added 'obs' (obscure) style to the mapping output Expanded: Disclamer message Feature: Now can enter a title, start and last icon, disclaim on query Feature: Report now works along a route Removed update of the rrw_segment_Miles table Fix: routine to read and display a files now read entire file Feature: Provide a backgroud type of Obscure, which dims the google maping == 3.1.12 == Feature: added title to te query string parameters Feature: added a weight = 0 to make gaps invisable Tweak: removed some consle debugging messages Feature: in display_table added class external and invoked on url in the data Fix: made display_able work in local mode Fix: in display table disallow update of mode > 20 == 3.0.10 == Feature: added ?sqlWhere= url parameter for ease of report selections Tweek: removed some none used code with global $rrw_segment_miles Feature: added upload of the milage data foe x_freeport Tweek: removed some debugging prints Tweek: added ?sql=please url parameter to cause display of the report sql statement Tweek: added siclaimer message Tweek: fixrd a duplicate diplay of the .001 mileage Feature: Added "read more" when there was more data in the database besides public, internal, next steps == 3.0.9 == Feature: Added alternating color bands to the edit screen Feature: Added edit of all columns in the database Feature: Made hig/medium/low/na a drop drown selection Feature: modified sort so items with no milage are at bottom of list Feature: Added "next steps" to the trail status page Feature: Added "ceate new entery to trail status page" == 3.0.6 == Feature: Line weights are now determined by the txtcreate.php routine Removed: Line weight determination from the display routine fixed: the 'files' parameter on short codes now works Tweek: adjusted sql for ht report to allow mutiple reports == == Feature: added push/update of mileage data to phgh2erie == == feature: built routine to upload therrw_iconmilage table from == == Fixed: error on "Create New Entry" Tweek: remove the extranous 111111 - change return true -> return $msg Tweek: clean up some error processing so it does not fail Tweek: use linkup.shaw-weil.com for the penicon.gif == == Feature: made display tables work with this data Refactor: removed intoernal icons, icons now specified by the .txt file Refactor: removed specail case icons see previous line Tweek: Cleanup some code avong to wiht icon mouseover/click == 2.24.30 == Feature: added the files parameter to supply a list of files to display feature: added the segment by segment descriton report Removed: the parameters "file" and "file2" replaced with "files" Removed: npn working code getBackgrouondMap(...) Feature: added line weights to the input file (not tested) Feature: added display of regions Feature: created the input data to display background county lines Feature: added zIndex so trail appears on to of county Feature: set the region areas to non-clickabe Feature: added toctable code to help proecess the toctable == 2.2.73 == Feature: Revised the legend for all trail type Feature: added trail type of "Google on Road" Feature: added trail type of "bikelane" Feature: color is now set on local server in the .txt files Feature: line style is set to "dot", "solid", "gap" on the local server in the .txt files Tweek: changed the "map" variable to "mapscreen" and set with rest of globals Refactored: fetching of the parameters from the URL query string Tweek: cleaned up and added some debug variable Tweek: changed legend from .jpg to .svg file Tweek: simplified wait for complete file Failed: Attempted to add the countues.kml file == 2.2.71 == Feature: calculated boundry for the line work - created trailId ==all Internal: refactor waiting for line work file xmlhttpLine.status Tweek: fixed zoom change to not error when markers not yet set Feature: added trail TOC listing to this plugin Feature: removed markers from inital display of "all" map == 2.2.70v == Feature: Made the line hover dissapear on the next line hover Feature: Gap trail segemnets are thicker Refactor: fixrd latitude, longitude lables in the icon table Tweek: rmoved version requirenebt fron google maps script rrequest == 2.2.69 == Feature: Added the mouse over on the trail lines Tweek: Changed the trail listing link to two columns file name toc -> list Feature: Added code to display the writeup with in WordPress page header,footer Deleted: Older versions of maker cluster == 2.2.68 == Feature: Added abaility to specify a different parking text file ?bike= Feature: Added bicycle icon Fix: installed newer versio of makercluster, Cleard up non-monotonic icon numbers Fix: initial icon display depending on zoom level Tweek: added a "Depends: rrw-utilities-common" to the wordPress setup Tweek: changed the icon disappering level from 10 to 9 Tweek: changed icon mouse over event to a hover event Treek: changed cluster gridsize from 50 to 25 == 2.2.67 == Fix: loading of script files when main site in a subdirectory == 2.2.66 == Update: Added parameter showGaps to display the google defined road routes Tweek: refactor script urls to allow for sub-directories Refactor: move icons to a subdirectry Update: Creae a blank parking icon for the numbers to appear in Fix: zoom out,in display of the parking visibility == 2.2.63 == Fix: accept trailId in any case Tweek: cleanup javascript warnings (thankd Dreamweaver 19) Update: access points (labeled as msn_flag) no longer display == 2.2.62 == Fix: resolved error mrssge 403 error on icon parkingDollar Fix: resolved error mrssge about Invalid trail style '#trailOpenE2P == 2.2.61 == Feature: added the parameter "endpoints=please" for it to display a begin line segemnt and end segment symbol rather than the parking symbol. Uses Green symbol for begn of main line, red symbol for end of main line, and yellow symbol for end of a spur trail. File: added the file data/endponts.txt to contain the coordinates, Created by kml/placeendpoints.php == 2.2.60 == Update: remove the include of rrw_util_inc and checked for plugin rrw_common == 2.22.59 == Featue: Add the legend to the lower left corner == 2.22.58 == update: repplaced rrwutil_ with rrwUtil:: expermented with setting title and onclick response == 2.22.57 through 2.22.57 == changed the mapping data == 2.22.50 == added href to the plus code headder list == 2.21.45-49 == update trail data == 2.21.44 == got line work for ghost toen trail got linework for Lakw Wilhiem got montour trail parking spot wetland == 2.21.43 == Fixed the test for isWordPress in parking.js:21 updates Ghost Twon Trail update Hoodlebug Trail == 2.21.42 == handle the problem with duplicate parking icons for a trailheads for multiple trails == 2.21.41 == n display trailheads - updated trailmap url to include trailing slash == 2.21.40 == added isWordPress parameter to the inilize call. == 2.21.39 == changed call to fetchparameterstring to rrwutil_fethparameterstring removed function fetchparameter() == 1.1.36,37,38 == moved icons from linking up to internal =1.1.32,33,34,35 == fixed calls to data file to work with https == 1.1.31 == added trailis as a atrribute on the shortcode =1.1.30 == Revised the trailhead list to include trailname and map Revised the mapping routine to take the trailId as a $_GET parameter Revised header.php, to enable the display:none on the header pictures. == 1.1.29 == delt woth the msn_rail icon type == 1.1.28 == built the OLC code explination into a sortcode Added a google earth disclaimer at the head of the table. == 1.1.27 == Added the gpsbabel text to the trail watpoints update to get the sorted file. == 1.1.26 == Remove call to open locationcode in parting.php == 1.1.25 == sort e2p on north to south coordinate == 1.1.22,23, 24 == rename colorswap to FreeWheelinEasy-colorSwap == 1.1.21 == changes filename Freewheelingeasy_map/js to Freewheelingeasy-map.js first pass a trailhead routine == 1.1.20 == moved the scriptfiles load to add_action(wp_head ... added code looking for parking.txt item count, rathef than a constant =1.1.18,19 == Add the group, pluscose, 3word code to the parking ,txt file == Description == == Installation == 1. Upload/install the plugin 2. Use the shortcode [freewheeling-easy-map] where you would like the map Map will take the full width and most eeight of the screen == Adding data to the map == See instructions at https://edit.shaw-weil.com/adding-data/